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Every day, professionals from Children's Advocacy Centers and Multidisciplinary Teams do incredible work to help children and families heal from the trauma of child abuse. NRCAC's Team Talk podcast highlights the efforts of these heroes throughout the northeast region and across the United States.

Jan 26, 2021


Are you looking to add another tool to the mental health services you are providing at the CAC? Do you struggle with those kiddos who cannot regulate and are unable to take part in the systems that need to hear from them? Sensory Motor Arousal Treatment (SMART) is an innovative mental health therapy...

Jan 19, 2021


Are you looking to add another tool to the mental health services you are providing at the CAC? Do you struggle with those kiddos who cannot regulate and are unable to take part in the systems that need to hear from them? Sensory Motor Arousal Treatment (SMART) is an innovative mental health therapy...